--- title: "Options for Controlling PKNCA" author: "Bill Denney" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette: toc: yes toc_depth: 6 vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Options for Controlling PKNCA} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) library(PKNCA) ``` # Summary PKNCA has many options that control its function. These options have effects throughout the package. The options are controlled using either the `PKNCA.options` function or by passing the `options` argument to any of the functions with that as an argument. All options supported by the current version of PKNCA (`r sessionInfo(package="PKNCA")$otherPkgs$PKNCA$Version`) are listed below with their descriptions. # Options ```{r options, echo=FALSE, results='asis'} PKNCA.options(default=TRUE) opts <- PKNCA.options() for (n in names(opts)) { cat("## ", n, "\n", sep="") cat("\n") cat(PKNCA:::PKNCA.options.describe(n), "\n", sep="") cat("\n") if (is.character(opts[[n]]) | is.numeric(opts[[n]]) | is.factor(opts[[n]]) | is.logical(opts[[n]])) { cat("The default value is: ", opts[[n]], "\n", sep="") } else if (is.data.frame(opts[[n]])) { print(knitr::kable(opts[[n]])) } else { # Probably a list print(opts[[n]]) } cat("\n") } ```